Why lab grown diamonds are called green diamond ?

by greenlab21

Definition of Lab Grown Diamonds

Lab-grown diamonds, as the name implies, are the ones that are made in a laboratory rather than being mined from the earth’s crust. Chemical vapor deposition, often known as HPHT, is the procedure used to make lab-grown diamonds. Lab-grown diamonds are just as valuable as naturally mined diamonds because they share the same physical and chemical characteristics.

Are lab created diamonds real diamonds?

Yes, lab-grown diamonds are genuine diamonds with the same characteristics as natural diamonds. Natural diamonds and lab-grown diamonds are identical as their physical appearance, and they cannot be distinguished from one another without specialized laboratory tools. The only two distinctions between lab-created diamonds and real diamonds are cost and ethical standing.

The demand for lab diamonds has skyrocketed now-a-days. Lab diamonds were first created about 70 years ago, but they didn’t enter the jewelry market until recent improvements in production efficiency that guaranteed high-quality diamonds.

Environmental Facts about lab created diamonds

It takes a lot of energy to generate a lab diamond, but this is something that lab diamond creators are continually working on, reducing the amount of time and resources needed to create each diamond. It had been suggested a lab diamond requires 250 kWh to be produced – but already some producers are claiming to use as little as 20 kWh to create a diamond.

A lab-created diamond is much more environmentally friendly than one that was mined. A diamond laboratory can be relatively compact and does not require any type of excavation or mining, in contrast to diamond mining, which necessitates the exploration of enormous areas of land. On the market, there are an increasing number of lab diamonds made with renewable energy.

In general, lab diamonds are viewed as being far more sustainable than mined diamonds. It is anticipated that as technologies advance, becoming more efficient and less consumptive, their sustainability would grow.

Reason behind lab grown diamond is considered as a green diamond

When pockets of naturally occurring carbon are exposed to extremely high temperatures (over 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit) and pressures in the Earth’s mantle over the course of billions of years, natural diamonds are created. These diamonds eventually rise to the surface as a result of volcanic or tectonic action.

However, lab-grown diamonds are produced here on Earth in naturally constructed production facilities. There are three primary reasons behind the lab grown diamond is considered as a green diamond :

  • Chemical Vapor Deposition Diamonds: Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) is taking place when a “seed” crystal or a tiny diamond is placed in a tiny chamber that is filled with hot gasses. A seed diamond will grow a more substantial one when layers of carbon start to build around it at a certain temperature.
  • High Pressure High Temperature(HPHT) Diamonds: The second cause is known as High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT).This process mirrors the conditions in which natural diamonds are created deep within the ground, as per the prediction. A fixed quantity of natural graphite is fed into a massive machine, which crushes it under intense heat and pressure.
  • Natural Color Authentication: If you love colored gemstones, consider a lab created colored diamond in fancy shades like yellow, pink, blue, and orange. Due to numerous trace compounds that can become trapped in the diamond as it grows, organic diamonds can come in any color. The scarcity of “fancier” diamond colors, such as pink, yellow, or blue, outside of the traditional white, is correlated with the rarity of the extra mineral or chemical involved in the production of natural diamonds.

Diamonds generated in laboratories can also be produced in a variety of hues, including white, pink, blue, yellow, and green. However, the method utilized may cause growing diamonds to take on a brownish hue, in which case they will need to be decolored. Then they can be color-treated if desired.

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